P.S.104 Absolutes 2021-2022


The Bayswater School P.S.104 Absolutes 2021-2022

104 Vision

Instructional Focus

Guided Reading strategies to improve upon core instruction and student engagement through CR-SE .

PS 104’s instructional focus is for teacher teams to develop,plan, and implement rigorous instruction utilizing culturally responsive texts that promote student discourse and student engagement to build conceptual understanding in guided reading grades K-5.



104 Mission

Instructional Absolutes

Culturally Responsive Teaching

a. Teachers will be implement culturally responsive teaching;

b. The ILT and teacher teams will utilize the NYU scorecard to analyze, unpack and reflect upon curriculum that embeds CRSE

c. Expose scholars and staff to CRSE curriculum;

d. Continue to engage all stakeholders in Courageous Conversation about Race;



104 Vision


a. Authentic feedback (written and verbal) utilizing DOK leveled questioning grounded in success criteria; student led discussion where scholars are generating questions and challenging their peers;

b. Physical evidence of CFU’s. For example, red, yellow, green popsicle sticks or cubes, self/peer/small group assessments through glows and grows, rubrics, exit slips, and conference notes.

c. Ongoing data analysis in order to drive instruction based on student needs.



104 Mission

Professional Learning

To provide teachers with various professional learning opportunities to develop their instructional practice through actionable feedback from observations, targeted professional development derived from Teacher Surveys, Learning Walks and Peer Intervisitations, to view best practices, and attendance of District and BCO workshops.




Intellectual Engagement/Rigorous Instruction

a. To provide opportunities for student to student discussion with explicit norms on how to conduct discussions;

b. To embed Higher Order Thinking (HOT) questions asked by the teachers and generated by students to create opportunities for peer-to-peer conversations and student led discussion.

c. Explicit instruction by teachers; embed specific strategies ; think alouds; anchor charts; gradual release model; strategy centered;

d. Each teacher provides intensive guided reading with one group a day and ICT classes will have two groups a day that provide opportunities for students to achieve personal learning goals, targeted actionable feedback from teachers and foster students to student conversation through group discussion.


Daily Affirmation

Specially Designed Instruction

Teacher teams will consistently analyze and use student data to drive instruction by identifying trends through data wise and inquiry meetings to align curriculum maps and evaluate specific instructional methods aligned to individual student needs that are monitored to ensure that the intended results are being achieved through high expectations set for our Special Needs and ENL population.





Quick Links

NYC DOE Website
NYC Schools Account
Family Welcome Centers